Friday, July 4, 2008

Jesus built His business in three years.

We understand that Jesus' earthly ministry took place over a period of about three years. Most people see this time as spent launching a world-wide religion; however, I would suggest to you that He spent the time building His world-wide corporation!

As pointed out previously, Jesus was the CEO of a successful carpentry business (see before His consecration by John the Baptist. After the consecration Jesus holds a planning retreat in the Wilderness for forty days. It is here that He develops His business plan. Over the next three years, we can follow his efforts to recruit and then train his staff to accomplish the boldest business strategy ever conceived. During this time period His new staff is trained in the business of bring God's presence to the lives of those over whom they have influence. This process included recruiting, training, marketing, product fulfillment, and always, always staying on message. Jesus was always about explaining the value proposition of His business ... becoming right with God.

And just look at the success of His efforts. After 2000 years the brand is still going strong. It continues to service millions of satisfied customers across thousands of franchise outlets. It is the focus of weekly and monthly meetings, training, books, movies, lectures, and seminars. There are still people who daily put their lives on the line for this organization! And this proposition is still changing lives today!

This is certainly an unconventional way to view the church ... but one that has some merit. Many people today have sunk to the view of the church as a building or an organization. The Bible tells us that the Church is the body of believers. Your business is not an organization ... it is the body of people - employees and their families, customers, vendors, and associates - who breathe life into your value proposition. Over a series of chats, let's examine the methods Jesus used to build His church. I believe that His methods can offer some insight as to how you as a CEO can build your own business today.

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